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Re: Can't create output

2000-12-06 12:09:40
"Anthony Sticha" wrote:
550 "|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #test"...
Can't create output
procmail: Error while writing to "/var/mail/test"
Seems procmail does not have permission for writing to the users mail
directory or something else is wrong. Can anyone who has been down this
track give enlightenment?

    What are permissions on


?  In the past I have solved this by turning on procmail's setgid bit:

    -r-xr-sr-x   1 root   mail    241664 Feb 16  1995 /usr/local/bin/procmail
    drwxrwxr-x   2 bin    mail      9216 Dec  6 09:49 /var/mail

There may be a more "official" solution but I don't know it...

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