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Re: Not writing to temp file

2000-12-12 15:12:38
At 13:20 2000-12-12 -0600, David W. Tamkin did say:
Sean answered Robert,

| Apparently the file LITERALLY named "$KILLFILE" wasn't found to exist (and
| not be a directory and be writeable, which are secondary to it even being
| found).
| >procmail: No match on " test -f $KILLFILE && test -s $KILLFILE"

No, not literally named $KILLFILE but rather named the value of the variable

Oops, really bad phrasing on my part -- the file named "" -- see my question about what it was defined as.

variables that it defines, the shell should have the right value for $KILLFILE.

Uhm, looking at the logfile, I saw no definition assignment of $KILLFILE, thus, it is null. Or did you spot an assignment in there that I missed?

(if we don't care, combine the tests with -a); and it's besides the point
that Robert still is not getting the name of the ^FROM_DAEMON macro right.

True, didn't spot that one, what with all the other issues.

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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