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Re: New Cook... Recipe Help

2001-01-12 17:42:57
"Brian C. Doyle" wrote:
Here is what i have for a recipe currently.
* HB ?? ^Content-type:.*image/*
* ^(From)(_dot_)*brian(_at_)jbbent(_dot_)com

* HB ?? ^Content-type:.*video/*
* ^(From)(_dot_)*brian(_at_)jbbent(_dot_)com

* ^(From)(_dot_)*brian(_at_)jbbent(_dot_)com

I have 2 questions.

How can I condense the above so i do not have 3 separate entrees for 1 
message.  IE If the email is from brian(_at_)jbbent(_dot_)com and has an 
image or 
video attachment move to me Else if it is from brian(_at_)jbbent(_dot_)com 
and does 
not have an image or video attachment delete!

    * ^From(_dot_)*brian(_at_)jbbent(_dot_)com
        * HB ?? ^Content-type:.*(image|video)/


The second deals with taken the attachments and automatically saving them 
to a directory on my computer and then delete the email.  I have seen 
several script but I do not understand what they were doing !!

What exactly is your question?  How to do it?  You could start with
what you see in:


Maybe if the munpack is successful, you can delete the body before
saving, like this:

  * ^Content-type:.*(multipart/mixed|application/(.*ms|x-v))
  * HB ?? Content-transfer-encoding:.*(x-uuencode|base64)
  * ! ^X-Loop: *yourName(_at_)(_dot_)*YourDomain


      UnpackOutput|=sed -e \
        '/^Content-[Tt]ype:.*[Nn]ame=/s,[Tt]ext/,application/,' | \
        munpack -C $TMPDIR 2>&1

      :0 afbwi
      | echo unpacked by munpack into $TMPDIR; echo "$UnpackOutput"


The above is NOT TESTED, your mileage may vary, etc.

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