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Re: Filtering On Multiple IP Partial Address

2001-01-28 14:57:54
At 22:26 2001-01-27 -0800, Eric Hilding wrote:
I'd like to modify the following recipe to filter on Multiple IP Partial Addresses:

1. Can I have more than one * ^Received:.*blahblah line in the recipe? If not,

If you have multiple condition lines, they must ALL match (all the lines are ANDed). OTOH, if you OR the various conditions within the one condition line (which resolves your Q#2), you'd have:

* ^Received:.*\[(201\.1[0-9][0-9]|202\.0?9[0-9]|211\.0?7[0-9])\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\]

This should match IP octets starting with what you're asking for (and matching the digit counts your example masks represented), while also handling optional leading zeroes on the octets which are only two digits long (0? matches zero or one '0').

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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