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I don't get it ...

2001-03-01 05:01:31
Okay, so it's me, I admit it.  Maybe it's because I mastered playing 
the harpsichord at 3, studied calculus at 5 and became a Nuclear 
Astro Physicist at 12 that I have not had a life and am now messing 
around with procmail recipes - I don't know!
I would much rather be writing recipes for Portuguese Piri-piri 
prawns (I'm told I cook up a tasy morsel), but that does not solve 
my present dilemma.
Oh regex guru, I implore you, explain to me the mysteries of the 
arsee! (much bowing and scraping follows).


Okay, those of you that I have not yet offended, please give me a 
hand with this.  I have a client who insists on using a single mail 
account for all incoming mail and wants me to distribute it to the 
correct boxes when it lands.
I have done this, and all is well, but for the mails with the strange 
characters in their To: header which create really wierd mail folders.
here is the recipe I currently use (and it works):
* ^TO_\/(.*)@
* MATCH ?? ()\/[^(_at_)]+

If mail is received that has a "To:" header such as "<name>", I get a 
mail folder called "<name>" and the recipient does not receive the 

I tried this to strip invalid characters:
* ^TO_\/([a-z0-9.-]+)@
* MATCH ?? ()\/[^(_at_)]+
Thinking that only alpha-numerics and . and - would get in
So I tried to be smart (the NA Physicist personality kicked in ...)
* ^TO_\/(.*)@
  # Get rid of anything that is not alphanumeric or a dot
  NAME="echo $MATCH | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.//g'"
  # And plonk it into a folder of that name

WRONG AGAIN !! - procmail told me off:

procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored
procmail: Skipped "<fm*@ | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.//g'"

Okay - so I humbly beseech thee guru, show me the error of my 
ways ....
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