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Re: Purpose of $# is what?

2001-04-19 16:18:25
On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Martin McCarthy 
<marty(_at_)ancient-scotland(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk> wrote:

Looking through the surce code doesn't clear my confusion. Neither Jari
Aalto nor Alan K. Stebbens collections of receipes use this construct. So
just what is it suposed to do?

When you start procmail with the '-a' or '-m' options then $# is set to
the number of arguments on the command line.  When you're using '-a' you
can only give one argument so it will always have the value 1.  It's
more useful when you're using '-m'.

Okay, that eplains why my testing of $# always gave a value of zero. I
used neither the -a or -m options.

It's in the man page somewhere, I'm sure.

Not that I can see. Its companion ($@) is there but not $#.

Regards, Trevor

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