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Re: postfix fail

2001-06-22 18:12:50
(directly addressed, with copy to list, against my normal policy -- I'm assuming that you're probably not subscribed to the Procmail list)

At 20:40 2001-06-22 -0400, Landy Roman wrote:
suddenly posatfix stop working.  i rebooted
and see postfix failure at boot... looked at
log and see sendmail died mailsystem down

i tried /sbin/init.d/postfix restart  and get
failed  i tried stop start and both fail as
can someone shed some light

Perhaps posting your question with relevant information to a POSTFIX list might garner you an answer. This list is for PROCMAIL, which is totally different - it is a mail filter/LDA, not an MTA.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

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