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Re: What would be the "Essential Headers"

2001-07-05 08:00:41
Santiago Vila <sanvila(_at_)unex(_dot_)es> writes:
If the list content is not limited to ASCII, don't forget to keep
"Content-Transfer-Encoding:", "Content-Type:" and "MIME-Version:".

Otherwise quoted-printable messages may become "quoted-unreadable".

I use a rule similar to this one to trim headers:

:0 fhbw
| formail -k -X From -X Cc: -X Content-Transfer-Encoding: -X Content-Type: \
 -X Date: -X From: -X Message-ID: -X MIME-Version: -X Reply-To: -X Status: \
 -X Subject: -X To: -X Sender:

Rather than picking out just the CTE and CT header fields, I recommend
saving _all_ header fields that begin with "Content-".  They're all
reserved to the MIME standard, a couple have already been added
(Content-Disposition: comes to mind), and others have been proposed
(Content-Language: has an internet draft out).

So, just use "-XContent-"

        :0 fhbw
        | formail -k -X From -X Cc: -X Content- -X Date: -X From: \
                -X Message-ID: -X MIME-Version: -X Reply-To: -X Status: \
                -X Subject: -X To: -X Sender:

Philip Guenther
procmail mailing list

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