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Re: if-then or something similar

2001-07-20 05:54:57
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 12:37:48PM +0200, Arvid Warnecke wrote:
* ? grep -i "$FROM" .mutt.aliases

Ok, it works now, just had some errors because I forgot $HOME.
Everything seems fine, but I now have some trouble with my $FROM.
It's like $FROM=User Name <user(_at_)host(_dot_)com>, like in my alias-file, 
when the User changes his Name to e.g. "User :-) Name" I have a problem
Is there any chance to make formail just extract the last part between
the "<" and ">" or to invoke sed to cut away the first part?
I just tried to use sed, but it had no effect. The LOG said it was
skipping my sed-line in my .procmailrc :-(

Untested, but...

* ? grep -i `formail -rtzxTo:` .mutt.aliases

Keep in mind if there's a Reply-To: field in the message, it will try to match
on that instead of the From: field.

Andrew Edelstein        -       andrew(_at_)pure-chaos(_dot_)com
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