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Re: Misunderstanding $=

2001-08-17 12:50:19
Jim Osborn <jimo(_at_)eskimo(_dot_)com> writes:
I've tried to use a recipe like this to report the size of a mail: 

#Toss huge things
* > 500000
  LOG="Huge mail received: $=
`formail -XFrom`

but the size logged is always zero.  I'm obviously misunderstanding
the passage in the procmailrc manpage that says:

      The only substitutions of environment variables  that  can
      be  handled  by  procmail  itself  are  of the type ... $=;
      whereby ... and $= will contain the score of the last recipe."

The recipe above does indeed toss huge things, so I thought I'd
be able to get the "score of the last recipe."  What am I missing?

Size conditions do not automatically use scoring.  That "w^x" described
on the procmailsc(5) manpage describes how scoring works in procmail.

         * 500000^1 > 500000
           LOG="Huge mail received: $=
`formail -XFrom`

According to the formula on the procmailsc(5) manpage, the conditon
        * 500000^1 > 500000
will generate a score equal to the size of the message.

Philip Guenther
procmail mailing list

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