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Re: Out of memory with the latest procmail

2001-09-17 01:37:39
Dallman Ross <dman(_at_)nomotek(_dot_)com> writes:
From: Philip Guenther <guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu>
I don't _know_ of any problems related to getting out-of-memory errors.
So far, the only known problems in 3.22 are a couple around the COMSAT
handling (COMSAT=yes doesn't work, use COMSAT=""), and a bug in the
handling of the 'H' flag that'll drive a quick cycle on 3.23 ('H' flag
is never cleared).

Hmm.  I don't set COMSAT, but I do, very similarly, it seems to me,
set DELIVERED in that very recipe.


I've just changed it to


As you discovered, that didn't change anything.  The COMSAT=yes problem
was specific to the comsat code.

Can you show the recipe or variable assignment that generated the
     procmail: Executing "echo $ACKS/*/"$FROM""
log line?  What does the log show as the value of the FROM variable at
that point?

Well, I do log all assignments to FROM, so that part is easy to show.
They all look fine, though, including the ones that requeue.  They are
all plain email addresses.

Okay, I mainly wanted to check to see if the expansion of $ACKS/*/"$FROM"
would be huge because FROM was empty.  It's not, so the expansion should
be a fairly small number of entries, correct?


 :0  # Last edited 11-Oct-00
 * ! ^TOlist
    :0 iw  # asterisk is in SHELLMETAS; i says ignore actual message
    TESTNAME=|echo $ACKS/*/"$FROM"

This was the other thing I was wondering about, whether it was a variable
capture recipe or a variable assignment.  It's the former, so I know
what code to look at.

Philip Guenther
Procmail Maintainer
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