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Re: MATCH with OR

2001-10-25 16:13:06
Don Hammond <procmail(_at_)tradersdata(_dot_)com> writes:
On 25 Oct, Paul Chvostek wrote:
| [...]
| Is there a defined "order of operations" for procmail conditions?  It
| would seem to me that "()\/one|two|three" might save "one" to MATCH, but
| not "two" or "three", but "()\/(one|two|three)" would populate MATCH for
| all three.  Is the \/ parsed before the |?  Does it matter?

Although your guess may be intuitively logical, a simple test proves

Unfortunately, your test runs afoul of a bug in procmail regexp engine
that causes it to sometimes set MATCH incorrectly.  As I understand it,
this only occurs when the \/ token can be the first token matched,
or if there is a superfluous 'match anything' subregexp before the \/

The match token acts** like it has high precedence.  If you want an
alternation (OR expression) on either side of it, you need parens
around them.

** I say "acts like" because it doesn't really have precedence.  It's a
token like '.' and '\<', not a operator like '|' or '*', so it doesn't
really have precedence.  The precedence of concatenation over alternation
is what makes it work the way it does.

---(cut here: zrc)---

MATCH   # unnecessary except to prove point
* VAR ?? ()\/one|two|three
{ LOG="$VAR matched ()\/one|two|three; MATCH=$MATCH$NL" }

MATCH   # unnecessary except to prove point
* VAR ?? ()\/(one|two|three)
{ LOG="$VAR matched ()\/(one|two|three); MATCH=$MATCH$NL" }
---(cut here: zrc)---

Add the following and try again:

        MATCH                   # HITS BUG
        * VAR ?? zero|\/one|two|three
        { LOG="$VAR matched zero|\/one|two|three; MATCH=$MATCH$NL" }

        MATCH                   # MISSES BUG
        * VAR ?? (^|.)\/one|two|three
        { LOG="$VAR matched (^|.)\/one|two|three; MATCH=$MATCH$NL" }

        VAR="foo two"

        MATCH                   # MISSES BUG
        * VAR ?? .\/one|two|three
        { LOG="$VAR matched .\/one|two|three; MATCH=$MATCH$NL" }

        MATCH                   # MISSES BUG
        * VAR ?? foo \/one|two|three
        { LOG="$VAR matched foo \/one|two|three; MATCH=$MATCH$NL" }

Philip Guenther
Procmail Maintainer
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