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Re: Failure to write

2001-12-02 13:43:15
I wanted to send this message to this list but instead sent it to Mr David
W. Tamkin. Thanks for his answer.

I have the familiar problem too. here is the action line of a recipe:

:0 B
* condition 1
* condition 2
    :0 c

    | (formail -r -A"X-Loop: GeoNet L.T.D." -I"Subject: Virus Alert";\
        echo "We have received your E-Mail message containing I-Worm";\
        echo "Aliz virus as an attachement. Message has been blocked";\
        echo "Please contact PostMaster(_at_)geo(_dot_)net(_dot_)ge for more\
        information") | $SENDMAIL -t -f "PostMaster(_at_)geo(_dot_)net(_dot_)ge"


And I get Error while writing to (formail -r ....)

The first thing i thought there was something with syntax but when i test
this recipe it works and i have no errors. when the infected message arrives
I have problems. I tried with "h" flag at the recipe containing formail and
without it, the same. Do you think if I add "i" flag to this recipe it would
work fine? And why can the pipe die early?

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