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Re: man formail question

2002-01-02 02:33:02
Harry Putnam <reader(_at_)newsguy(_dot_)com> writes:
I went looking for information on how formail finds the fields
specified in -A -a -i -R -X etc flags.

For example:
If I have a rule that says

  |formail -R Message-ID: X-Message-ID:

And a message comes thru with Message-Id: (note the lower case d),
will this rule miss it?  Is the first argument after -R from a known
set that formail uses or does it scan the headers looking for what
ever is the content of that argument?  Can the first arg be a regex
like: -R Message-[Ii][Dd]:

No need.  Formail always does case-insensitive matching on header field
names, as demonstrated by a quick test:

callisto% echo "message-id: foo" | formail -f -R Message-ID: X-Message-ID:
X-Message-ID: foo


(The -f option in this example and the one below is just to suppress the
"From " line that formail would otherwise add, as it's not relevant to
the question.)

I found something that looks like it might be part of an answer in man

What does this mean?
      When  renaming,  removing,  or  extracting fields, partial
      fieldnames may be used to specify all  fields  that  start
      with the specified value.

Is this just a convoluted and guaranteed to confuse way of saying that 
`formail -R Z X-Zappo:'   will find all headers starting with Z and
replace them with X-Zappo.

Well, let's give it a try:

callisto% cat message
zed: sldfksd
zebra: sldkfjs

callisto% formail -f -R Z X-Zappo: <message
X-Zappo: sldfksd
X-Zappo: sldkfjs


Could I solve the above problem by saying:
  formail -R Message  X-Save-Msgid:

Or does it mean something else?

Which problem?  What did you expect it to mean?

Philip Guenther

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