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Re: Replacing the default Solaris 8 mda with procmail

2002-01-04 02:55:04
Matt Carter <kartaphilos(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com> writes:
I've been using procmail a bit for mail filtering and it's
pretty cool.  I'm setting up a new box and have been
playing around trying to use procmail as a drop in
replacement for the Solaris 8 default mda.  I'm not running
any MTA (ie. no sendmail, exim, etc).  I just want to be
able to use procmail for local delivery's.

Solaris uses sendmail by default.  Did you actually remove or otherwise
disable sendmail?  If not, I suggest that you really are using sendmail
and just didn't know it.

My question?  What is the Solaris mda.  Is it
/usr/lib/mail.local?  Or is it something else.  I've done a
truss on a mailx mail session but can't see what program
gets called.  

e220r# strings /usr/bin/mailx | grep sendmail

Looks to me like mailx calls sendmail.  I would guess that it didn't
show up in your truss because you forgot to use the -f option to tell
truss to follow the fork()ed child.

I've tried dropping in procmail, compiled with the
suggestions in examples/advanced, to replace mail.local but
I get no mail delivery at all. Could it be a permission
problem on the file?

What does the maillog show?  What did the original Mlocal entry in the look like and what did you try changing it to?

Philip Guenther
procmail mailing list

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