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Re: Simple Killfile Recipe?

2002-01-04 19:55:43
On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 06:54:00PM -0800, Timothy J. Luoma wrote:
Does anyone know where I can find a simple procmail recipe for
killfiling people? Something that lets me have rules like this:

* ^Return-Path:.*\.j2\.com

* ^From:.*(@korcin\.com|cpa(_at_)optmails\(_dot_)com)

I was wondering if there was some stock code I could just drop into
.procmailrc so that it can read a blacklist from a file or something,
though. The way you suggested above works if I just want to block a few
addresses, but if I have a long list of 20 blocks then it gets ugly and I'm
afraid of making a syntax error when I edit .procmailrc:


It'll become something ugly like that, and that's only 6 addresses being
blocked. I'd rather be able to put those in a file or something and use
some stock procmailrc code that reads from the killfile.
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