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Re: Problem with regex and backreferences

2002-01-06 18:42:14

What I want to do is to catch all emails coming in to


In procmail you'd write that like this:


(the regex is closer to egrep than anything else, but it is unique to itself)

forwarded to subscribe(_at_)domain(_dot_)com with the regex match in the 

It's called $MATCH in procmail.

See man procmailrc and man procmailex 

I think it would be something like

* ^TO_subscribe-\/@domain\.com

Actualkly I'm not sure how you'd get MATCH to equal the .* part w/o the part, but I'm sure it's possible.  Hopefully someone else will 
chime in.

Now do you want to RETAIN the OLD Subject: line or not?

Assuming YES, then you would just put a line like this ABOVE your recipe:

SUBJECT=`formail -xSubject:`

and then do

* ^TO_subscribe-\/@domain\.com


which would prepend $MATCH before the old Subject:

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

This is an untested start.... hopefully someone else will pick up and fill in 
what I've said as I'm still a procmail neophyte despite having used it for 6 
years now (boy is *that* sad!)


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