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Re: Extracting Sender's Email Address Only

2002-01-30 15:18:38
And it came to pass that Derek asked,

| I'm sure this has been asked many times previously, but I don't see
| anything in the FAQ addressing this.  I'd like to extract the sender's
| email address only and compare it to a blacklist.  I can extract the
| From: header using formail, of course, but I want to eliminate everything
| but the email address.

The bigger stumbling block is that the address in the From: header is not
necessarily the author of the message.  Sometimes, though, it's all we have
to go by.

The -r and -rt options to formail will strip an address of comments and get
down to the email address when they prepare the To: header of a reply.  -r,
though, prefers From_ to From: and -rt prefers Reply-To: to From:, so we
have to get around that:

er_whoever=| formail -IReply-To: -rtzxTo:

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