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Re: A tool for refining regex

2002-01-30 21:24:07
Harry Putnam continued,

| Greenlisting?

Greenlisting is testing early in your .procmailrc whether a message meets
any of certain criteria you select -- it comes from your boss or your
spouse, it's about a matter that is important to you right now, or it was
sent through a mailing list to which you subscribe, for some examples -- and
dealing with it before you get to any recipes that look for indications of
spam, effectively excusing mail that meets your greenlist rules from being
tested as spam.  This is in contrast to a whitelist.  Mail that fails to
make a greenlist is examined further to see if it looks like spam, but with
a whitelist, any mail that fails the whitelist's rules is treated as
undesirable with no further examination.

To complicate matters, there are people who transpose the two usages, saying
"greenlist" for what I just called  a whitelist and vice versa.

| But apparently the odd looking notation `1^1'
| means something I have yet to learn about.  Grepping several of the
| procmail manpages turned up no examples of its use.  What is it?

You can read all about it in the procmailsc(5) man page.

| Once procmail knows the destination it will write to, I want the line
| that tripped any regex not containing a (!) to appear in my log.
| Nothing too fancy or thought provoking, just let the tool show me what
| is needed.
| Maybe this is not the way procmail can be made to work... I couldn't think
| of a way to do that with my limited experience.

It can: you can get the matching text and log it.  I'm just too damn tired
to type out how to do it tonight.

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