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Re: Removing extraneous Microsoft Outlook email headers

2002-02-05 09:18:17
On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 06:54:47PM -0800, John Gianni wrote:
1. Now that OUTLOOK/Exchange is here for many folks
   we are receiving lots of headers (in non-Outlook mail programs)
   which, when 'replied' to or 'forwarded', end up with
   headers of looking something like:

   >Thread-Topic: Most people call this a SUBJECT line
   >Thread-Index: AcGqxrh7kNgRW6vHRO6wJUwre3POqQAAUkKw
   >From: "Foo Bar" <foobar(_at_)cadence(_dot_)com>
   >To: "Joe Schmoe" <jschmoe(_at_)cadence(_dot_)com>
   >Cc: "Sna Fu" <snafu(_at_)cadence(_dot_)com>
   >X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by mail.Cadence.COM 
   >Blah, blah, blah.
   >Ciao, ciao

2. It would be nice to _strip_ off these extraneous MS headers on the 
   server side - so we don't have to always manually edit them
   out of dozens of email replies & forwards daily.
     >Thread-Index: AcGqxrh7kNgRW6vHRO6wJUwre3POqQAAUkKw

   (It's a courtesy to remove extraneous headers in included email.)

3. I'm sure we can write a procmail recipe to do so (using formail perhaps), 
   but, hmmm ... 
     Does anyone already have a similar procmail recipe to remove these 
     (very common) Microsoft headers so we never see them again
     in other mail user agents (aka clients) which have no need for them.

Here's how you strip headers.  (untested)

| formail -IX-MS-Has-Attach: -IX-MS-TNEF-Correlator: -Ianother-header:

- Matt Dunford <> zoot(_at_)zotikos(_dot_)com ..
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