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Re: procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored

2002-02-06 11:48:36
Tim Holmes asked,

| I keep getting these line in my procmail.log, and I'm not sure why.
| procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored
| procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored
| procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored

Those are caused by requesting a local lockfile on a recipe whose action is
to open a left brace without launching a clone.  There might be other recipes
inside the braces where a local lockfile makes sense, but it doesn't for just
opening the braces (unless you're launching a clone, but I doubt you were
doing that).

You won't see the error for a given message if procmail completes final
delivery before it gets to the that point in your rcfile and doesn't scan
that far.  You will see it even if the recipe that causes it doesn't match
or is inside an outer set of braces that procmail doesn't enter for that
message: as long as procmail has to read past it, it will log the error.

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