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formail +1 -ds permissions problem?

2002-03-27 18:16:20
I'm trying to process a digest using formail. My mailserver is qmail
(maildirs), and my .procmailrc is in /home/phorst. I've tried 2 ways,
piping through 'formail +1 -ds /usr/bin/procmail' from mutt, and with
the recipe

* ^From: vim-multibyte-help
* ^Subject: vim-multibyte Digest of:
| formail +1 -ds /usr/bin/procmail

Each time I get a string of error messages:

procmail: Suspicious rcfile "/home/phorst/.procmailrc"
procmail: Couldn't read "/home/phorst/.procmailrc"

Couldn't read? I tried changing the permissions assigned to my
.procmailrc, but it didn't change anything.


Somebody told me how frightening it was how much topsoil we are losing
each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got
 -- Jack Handey
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