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RE: wanted: recipie to combine + sort

2002-04-11 09:46:44

Jesse F. wrote (in part):

i suppose this could be done in two steps, each explicitly calling
procmail to be performed on a specified file.  one to harvest all emails
from a given author into a file, and another that will do the date-sort.
i've checked through the archive as best as i could imagine what keywords
to look for, but didn't see anything that applied.  thank you for any


check out the following discussions:

This is likely not a problem to be handled with procmail, but one that
is more easily handled with formail, and other tools.  I needed to solve
a similar problem a while ago, and came up with this solution:

I developed a simple program called 'mdate', which takes a date in free
form, and tries to convert it into a canonical form. This, combined with
"formail" as the tool of choice for extracting the Date: header
information should get you what you need. "mdate" accepts a date as a
string of tokens on the ccommand line outputs the date/time in the
following format: mmddhhmmCCyy (which happens to be the format accepted
by the "touch" utility). I've included an updated version of mdate, as a
shar archive below, which is more Y2K compliant, and outputs the year in
CCYY (century + year) format. Note: dates "in the wild" in mail messages
can be in many, varied formats, and mdate will not be able to convert
all of them. Sometimes, the dates are just wrong.

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