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Re: Response to 1st From header?

2002-04-24 07:02:24
On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Philip Guenther wrote:

He means "envelope sender, not header sender".  If anything, the header
sender is the 'original' being the supposed author of the content.

Unfortunately both can be forged without much trouble.
Philip (on the procmail list), is there some reason that "formail -r"
seems to be using the From: header rather than the From_ header to
generate the reply address?

I would guess he's using a version of formail before 3.14, as 3.14
and later will prefer the address from the Return-Path: field or
"From " line over the address from the Reply-To: or From: field
when used without the -t option.  If that's the case, the
solution/answer is "upgrade".

He reported to me that he's using 3.15.1

 John Hardin KA7OHZ    ICQ#15735746
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