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Mailman results for procmail (fwd)

2002-06-26 06:55:41
Hi .

I'm working on SMS notification; when an email from a particular address
arrives, i send a mail to an e-mail address of my mobile operator which
then in turn then gets delivered via SMS.

The problem is I would like to include some of the email's header params
in the body of the sent message. Namely:

:0 c
* ^From(_dot_)*address(_at_)host(_dot_)com
| echo 'New mail from address' | mail number(_at_)mobile-operator(_dot_)com

Now what needs changing is the echoed line, specificly to:

echo 'New mail at <current time> from address: <subject> (<x> KB size)'

<current time> - current (date and) time
<subject> - subject of the received mail
<x> - the size of the mail

How do I insert the current time, mail subject and mail size to the jig?
Via shell variables ($subject, $size) perhaps?

Thanx for any ideas..

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