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Re: Dropped "F" problem

2002-06-27 10:18:19
Udi had this,

|| :0 wfh
|| | sed -e '1s/^rom /From /' -e '1s/^om /From /'

and I suggested,

... or

  | sed '1s/^r*om /From /'

Udi replied,

| The short one was my first version - I learned through my feet
| that I need cover the two options.

It does cover both options ... also 'rrrrrrrom ' if that should happen.

I'd also written,

but I'm surprised that that helped.  Wouldn't procmail's copy of the
message in memory have had the F intact?

to which Bart replied,

: No, it is in fact procmail's copy in memory that is bad.  This really is a
: procmail bug, not some kind of locking thing, though the symptoms can be
: indistinguishable.

Thank you for explaining.  I've not run into it and didn't know it was diffe-
rent from the old locking problem.

In that case,

 :0wfh # run only if needed
 * !^^r*om( )
 | sed '1s/^r*o/Fro/'

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