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Re: set names for backup files

2002-06-27 13:16:06
On 06/27/2002, 19:06 +0300, Udi Mottelo wrote:
      The trick here is that "%m%d" will make all the filenames in four
      characters (zero leading if needed).  It helps the ls(1) to give you
      the list of files sorted by date (:-)  Now, you need cut the HEAD of
      the list not tail. 

Yes, sorry, I missed the reversal order :-/

      You right there is a problem if you get no
      messages say, 30 days. in this case we will see:

yarkon# ls
      If we remove the first 36 files we are going to remove files from
      Jul too early - to avoid - you can touch the file from crontab at
      night.  You will get empty files for empty days. 

No, it is not the main problem, but:

if your procmail code is executed  on every message (or every message in
a  nested   block),  then  you   will  remove  *36*   (older)  remaining
messages... when  receiving *one*; it is  not the same  thing as keeping
the 36 last messages!

As you create a daily directory|folder, you need deleting it only once a
day... BTW, it doesn't solve the original question, but as I can receive
hundred(s) messages in one fetchmail session...

      In your case when size or other parameters included, the find(1)
      solution is much more efficient.

I hope it  is safer[1], but "find  ....  -exec rm {} \;"  is slower than
one "rm", as we can easily construct its arguments:

rm -f something`date -d '2 days ago' +%m%d`
# or "rm -rf"

if cron runs every night, of course...

      BTW. I suppose that %y%m%d is better (happy new year..)

not useful here, maybe.

[1] that's also  why I use a maildir/
Jacques L'helgoualc'h
procmail mailing list

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