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Re: Re. help! procmail stops in the middle of my recipe

2002-07-03 08:25:06
On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, procmail wrote:

I have modifed my recipe in an attempt to deal with fields for which
there are no input values for HOSTNAME or CNAME and procmail still stops
when it encounters them.

The log shows procmail doing exactly what your recipe is telling it to do:

procmail: No match on "^Optional 1st hostname [^:]*:\/.+[a-z0-9]"
procmail: Assigning "IPADDRESS"
procmail: Assigning "MATCH="
procmail: Matched ""
procmail: Match on "^IP address if provided:\/.+[a-z0-9]"
procmail: Assigning "IPADDRESS="
procmail: Assigning "CNAME"
procmail: No match on "^CNAME if it applies [^:]*:\/.+[a-z0-9]"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/usr/local/adm/build_domain

Procmail always stops when it completes a delivery; in this case it has
"delivered" to the pipe into the build_domain program.  Is there something
else that you expect to be happening?

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