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Re: How do I get procmail to output an error message?

2002-07-21 07:36:01
On 07/21/2002 07:12 AM, Udi Mottelo wrote:
On Sat, 20 Jul 2002, Aleksey Nogin wrote:

Is is possible to get procmail to output something - not to the LOG
file, but to stdout/stderr? I need it to get sendmail to generate a
custom error message when doing a bounce. Currently I have to set up
sendmail to call a special procmail wrapper script instead of calling
procmail directly and the wrapper script does the following:

MSG=`mktemp /var/tmp/procmail.wrpr.XXXXXX`
cat - > $MSG
/usr/bin/procmail "$@" < $MSG
if [ $EXITVAL = 77 ]; then
        echo "Your e-mail went through a blacklisted server:"
        .../scripts/generate-rbl-details < $MSG
        echo ""
        echo "Because of that our system decided to reject your e-mail."
        echo "If you believe this was a mistake, please resend your
        echo 'with "please read" added to the Subject field.'
        echo ""
rm -f $MSG

        I do not understand why do you need the stderr?  I guess that you
        want to send a message when you find that "e-mail went through a
        blacklisted server".  So, why don't you do it instead of set
        the $EXITVAL?

Well, with my wrapper script, I get sendmail to send a "full-fledged" bounce message telling "Insufficient permissions" and giving the script output as additional information. I could do it myself, but it's much easier to let sendmail deal with it...

Aleksey Nogin

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