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Re: using promail with exim

2002-07-27 10:00:40
On Fri, 26 Jul 2002, Soon-Son Kwon wrote:

SK> Hello folks:
SK> I am trying to use procmail with exim for filtering

Not a reply to the original message but a problem I had with it.  I am
filtering on charsets in attachments:

# Mime format with charset
* ^Content-Type:.*boundary
* B ?? ^Content-Type:(.|$)*charset=.?(big5|ks_c_5601|2022-kr|euc-kr)

The attachment itself did not have one of these charsets but it contained
a procmail recipe for filtering on charsets.  So my recipe picked it out
and considered it to be spam.  This is not good.

The culprit seems to be the .?   Maybe zero or more spaces or newlines
( |$)*    would be appropriate?


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