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[announce] Mail-Procmailrc 0.98 (perl module)

2002-07-30 12:13:49
Mail::Procmailrc 0.98 is available from either of the following sources:

- your favorite CPAN mirror
- <>
- <>

Mail::Procmailrc is an object-oriented interface for procmailrc files.
It can parse and write procmailrc compatible rc files programatically.

I would appreciate (constructive) feedback from anyone who would care
to try it out.

Included with the distribution is a sample CGI program (located in the
'eg' directory) that uses Mail::Procmailrc to add and remove procmail
condition lines from a procmail recipe via a web interface. Below is
sample usage from the README.

    use Mail::Procmailrc;

    $pmrc = new Mail::Procmailrc("$HOME/.procmail/rc.spam");

    my $conditions;
    for my $recipe ( @{$pmrc->recipes} ) {
        next unless $recipe->info->[0] =~ /^\s*\#\# this recipe is for spam/io;
        $conditions = $recipe->conditions;
    push @$conditions, '* 1^0 this is not SPAM';


Scott Wiersdorf
Scott Wiersdorf
procmail mailing list

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