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Re: forwarded messages and bounces are split in two

2002-08-07 13:51:29
Look at the mail splitting features of formail.  It trys to find new
messages by the number of header-ish lines it finds in a block of text,
and might be causing your problem.
 On Wed, 7 Aug 2002, Mike Jackson wrote:

I looked that the archives and tried to find the answer on how to
prevent this, but didn't really see it.

I often receive mail addressed to 
"postmaster(_at_)some(_dot_)domain(_dot_)com"", like
double bounces to, and they get split into seperate messages. This is
incredibly annoying, and although you can blame it on whatever mail
system or client, I believe that procmail should not do it and there has
to be some simple fix. Please tell me what it is!

If you want to see my .procmailrc file, here you go:

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