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Re: fun with regex (or: why is it so?)

2002-08-07 19:26:16
Maybe try it without the :? bit?  I don't think you need that, using \>,
do you?

On Thu, 8 Aug 2002, CaT wrote:

I have the following line in a piece of spam:

To opt out:

And the following regexp with which to match it:

* 3^0 \<opt[-_ ]?out:?\>

And yet... never the twain do meet. :/

Why is it so? As near as i can tell the following should happen:

\< would match the space before the opt
opt would match opt
[-_ ]? would match the space between opt and out
out would match out
:? would match the colon
\> should match the eol

Also, \< should not be analogous to < and as such start counting the
length of the email...



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