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Re: counting how often my rules hit with LOGFILE

2002-08-28 01:23:02

        Fuzzy, there is a weak point in my suggestion: if you set
        LOG per condition you will get very very long filerc.  Also
        what are you going to do with multi conditions:

* one string
* two strings
* maybe more?
LOG="What to write here?"

        I suggest to back to the good old VERBOSE but use score:

* 1^0 first
* 1^0 next
* 1^0 and more

        Now you can grep from the logfile.  I would do something like:

sed -n '/procmail: Score:       [1-9]/s/^[^"]*"//p' |
awk '{x[$0]+=1}; END {for(i in x){print i, x[i]}' |
sort -n


On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Fuzzy Logic wrote:

Thanks for all the help so far.  I'm getting closer.

What is the $MATCH in your rule, Udi?  It seems to expand to "" for me.
Also, I was hoping to avoid having the create individual logging means for
each rule (I have about 100).

On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Udi Mottelo wrote:

On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Fuzzy Logic wrote:

Out of curiosity, I wanted to see how often each of my rules was used in
an average day, so I turned on VERBOSE and LOGFILE.  Now, I have a
question.  I searched the archives, but didn't find anyone who had asked a
similar question.
My question is this:  Is there a way to ask procmail to just tell me a hit
and not all the misses (ie, not use VERBOSE, but still get the "Match on"

    I do not kno this flag but, you can LOG your matches in this way:

:0 ...
* Does it match my string?
    The action

    To account the matches:

awk -F":" '/Found/ {x[$2]+=1}; END {for(i in x) print i,x[i]}' lgofile

    Will give you table of all matches and counters.


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