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Re: Avoid mail

2002-09-23 01:22:08
On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 03:14:19PM +0800, EdwardSPL(_at_)ita(_dot_)org(_dot_)mo 

My Linux system is Redhat 6.2 and procmail is 3.14...
I have just created .procmailrc under home directory and following the
lines :

* From:.+<12345(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com>$

then chmod .procmailrc with 600

But I found the procmail don't to avoid the mails from 
( E- mail address )...

Surely it should be something like:-

    * From:.*<12345(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com>

That '.+' you have is forcing a match on there only being one
character between the 'From:' and the '<12345...' and the $ at the end
is saying that's the end of line, no more characters.  Thus your
recipe will match on only *exactly* the following string:-

    From: <12345(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com>

with nothing after it at all.  (Strictly the space between : and <
could be anything but then it wouldn't be a proper From: line)
I think you need a more general pattern matching recipe.

Chris Green (chris(_at_)areti(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk)
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