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crud in subject line - spam trap

2002-11-02 09:44:04
I'm sure I've seen mention of recipes for the kind of spam that has
lots of non alphabet stuff in the subject.

I get lots of this stuff past Spamassassin.  Its quite a lot of work
to readjust SA's scoring to get these dropped in the spam hole:

(Sample subject lines)

  Subject: [1$0m]A&2H8 0#:4;g @Z0]Au 0x0m...>H3;9...
  Subject: (1$0m)<x0#(_at_)G <1EC(_at_)L @N;}@; AB?lGQ4Y!!!
  Subject: ':N:N0! GT22 :80m Aq1b4B 193; CVCJ <:@N;g(_at_)LF(_dot_)'
  Subject: [1$0m]<v(_at_)T@/>F?kG0, @O:;<v(_at_)T18A& AA@:>F0!?J 180fGO<<?d!
  Subject: Hi Professor, Ultra-Thin Si Inventory 30um & 50um thin 2"-6" in 
  Subject: VP9zWn4s5DMxBgSNO7Mf<RLl5X
  Subject: Dates For All 1681HdVP8-2-10

Can someone point me to URLs or etc that discuss using procmail for
finding a percentage of unreasonable stuff in subject line.

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