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Re: formatting unwrapped mail?

2002-11-05 10:33:58
On Tue, 5 Nov 2002, Steven Champeon wrote:

So, I'm subscribed to a newsletter or two that sends unwrapped mail, but
fmt does a fine job wrapping the body of the message. Unfortunately, it
also wraps the headers. What I'd like to do is send the headers of the
message to a file, then send the body through fmt and then to the same
file. I'm not worried about any race conditions, as it only comes in
once a day (or week). I'm thinking something like this, below. Comments?

:0 h
* ^(FROM_)whoever

:0 ba
| fmt \

        O.K. but why not?

:0 Hfb
* ^(FROM_)whoever
| fmt

# Now, you can continue working on the message and do other things like...
:0 a

        H       check the <H>eader only
        f       and <f>ilter on the
        b       <b>ody only


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