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per user incoming mail backup

2002-12-12 00:54:03

I'm using postfix with procmail as mailbox_command.

extact from postfix/

procmail  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
flags=R user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/procmail -t -m /etc/procmailrc ${sender} ${recipient}

extract procmailrc


Using this entry i'm doing a backup of all incoming email.
What i want now is to obtain a disctinct backup file for each user.

To better explain:

my actual /var/spool/mail situation

.backup (global incoming email backup)
root (mail spool for root)
user1 (mail spool for user1)
user2 (mail spool for user1)
userN (mail spool for userN)

the should be situation of /var/spool/mail

root (mail spool for root)
root.backup (root incoming email backup)
user1 (mail spool for user1)
user1.backup (user1 incoming email backup)
user2 (mail spool for user1)
user2.backup (user2 incoming email backup)

I' have tried with


But doesn't work.

How can I do that?

(note: I want keep all the backups in the same directory.)

Thanks in advance for any help

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