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Re: Forged headers detection

2003-01-08 13:04:23
On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Gary enslaved 16 hundred monkeys to type:

IP addresses to add to procmail.  My point is why re-invent the wheel.

Look, I know you'll probably not like this [original poster] but Gary is
right - spamassassin is very good at detecting forged headers, indeed, it
even "score" a file and tells you what indeed is fishy. (not like a
procmail score, it's own scoring method which it adds to your fishy-mail)

Next time I get some spam with fake headers I'll show you what
spamassassin does. Using with a lockfile it's not too resource-consuming,
and like I said it's great at detecting all kinds of stuff, and for me it
worked faked headers great.


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