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Re: How-to Question

2003-02-13 09:26:19
At 06:40 2003-02-13 -0800, lists(_at_)collins(_dot_)mailshell(_dot_)com wrote:

A am very new this procamil things and I am liking it very much.

I am trying to do two things and I do not know where to start.

1. Send a copy of the first 30 lines to my mobile device/rim pager and deliver a full copy to my inbox. You can see what I currently have below.

To reduce the likelyhood of a copy/paste error that can ruin your day, you should group the flags adjacent to the conditions/action that they preceed, not the other way around.

# 'c' means copy - so the (unaltered) message also continues along to the
# next recipe
        # b says filter the body, f means filter (change) the message.
        | head -30

        ! mobileaddress

2. Also if possible when I fwd the first 30 lines of the body of the message I would like to ripout/remove all the extra junk in the header. eg. Messages sent to me and Cc to 20 others. I don't want to fwd the 20 others info in the message.

Add the following (or something similar) to the above ruleset, before the forward operation:

        | formail -I"To:" -I"Cc:"

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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