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Re: on thin ice: using $COMSAT to decide how procmail was invoked

2003-03-08 13:33:18
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 07:19:17PM -0800, Jeff Orrok wrote:

My interpretation of the procmailrc man page suggests that I could
test $COMSAT to determine whether the .procmailrc was invoked
manually on the command line or automagically by the MTA; however,
my spider-sense is warning me to be beware of relying on such a side

The goal is to set some variables with different addresses depending
on whether the .procmailrc is in production or is being tested.
Currently I'm looking for a variable called TEST to be set, but I
don't want to rely on the tester to have to remember it.  I definitely
do not want mail going out to live addresses if it is inadvertently
forgotten!!  I thought it would be safer to force the tester to
specify TEST=OFF if they want to override the addresses in order send
to live addresses from the command line.

Has anyone tried this, or accomplished the same thing using a better

Better?  I think it's a fine way.  I've been doing it for almost a year,
under a heavily tested production environment, and it works fine.  Not
with COMSTAT, and I actually am not sure from the face of it what you
mean by that part; but with live delivery or not depending on whether
TEST is set.

The only danger I can think of is if your LINEBUF overflowed.  I haven't
seen that happen, though, and don't know what the result would be.  Mine
is set to 16K.  Default is 2K.  I actually use both TEST and HARNESS.
Here is setting (or not) the log, from near the top of my working rc:

  TRUE         = .                   # normalize Boolean nomenclature
  FALSE        = ^^^^                # ditto

# . . . .

 :0  # set $LOGFILE and $TRAP unless we're running a test harness
      # 021211 () my logs saved by date (per $VARS/genvars); purged by cron
      LOGFILE  = ${LOGFILE:-$PDIR/logs/$DATE}
      TRAP     = 'echo "$DATE:$LASTFOLDER" >> mytrap'

Later, I deliver in various places based on a SWITCHRC that bails if
we're in test mode.  I have had no unwished-for deliveries of live
mail when I'm in test mode, which I am very often.

Here's from one of my delivering SWITCHRCs, near the top:

  # if $TEST and no $REDELIVER, vamoose now;
  # else, archive a copy, then fall off end to $DEFAULT.

 :0  # 030110 () vamoose now if in TEST mode without REDELIVER set
  * $    TEST       ??  $TRUE
  *    ! REDELIVER  ??  ^^(y|on)
  *    ! FORCE      ??  ^^(y|on)
  { HOST = byebye }


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