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Re: $MATCH being called incorrectly?

2003-04-08 19:59:17
Vince has,

* ^Subject:[   ]*[^    ]+[     ]+super dupper secret text
* ^Subject:[   ]*\/[^  ]+
| cat > $HOME/dump_dir/$MATCH-file.txt \
; $DBACCESS informix1 < $HOME/dump_dir/$MATCH-file.txt \
; $FORMAIL -I"From:vjl(_at_)vjl(_dot_)org" 
-I"To:vjl(_at_)crichton(_dot_)vjl(_dot_)org" \
-I"Subject: your $MATCH test job is done" | $SENDMAIL -oi -t -f \

and tells us,

As it stands above, the recipe won't work.

The problem with saying it doesn't work is that you're not telling us what happens instead. (Most of the time, people who say just that something doesn't work also don't tell us what they expect to happen, so at least you did that part.)

I can see a couple of odd things: first, you're filtering the body through a string of commands that send stdout elsewhere, so what you'll get back from the filter is nothingness. When procmail goes on reading more recipes with the filtered text, the message will have a head but no body.

Second, cat is sucking up all the input, so $FORMAIL, which I'm guessing points to a formail binary, will have no input at all, and it will pass nothing to $SENDMAIL except the three header lines you're inserting with -I options.

Both $DBACCESS and $FORMAIL are vars that expand to program names.
"informix1" is a hardcoded argument that $DBACCESS takes.

Is $DBACCESS doing its job? Is the $FORMAIL|$SENDMAIL pipe behaving as I described?

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