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Re: MIME rewrite

2003-04-10 02:54:13
On Thu, Apr 10, 2003 at 04:28:38AM +0200, Christoph Heuel wrote:

I try to find a solution for rewrite the MIME-field for some mails.
For example, I get a mail with a pdf-file, but the the "Content-Type"
of the mail contains "apllication/octet-stream". So, IMHO, it better
would "application/pdf" would be better to get the rigth application
to show the file.

You can use formail, part of the procmail package, to rewrite
headers.  See `man formail'.  Here is an example:

        :0 fw  # brackets below contain space and tab
        * HB ^Content-Type: application/octet-stream;\/[        ]name=.*\.pdf"
        | formail -i"Content-Type: application/pdf;$MATCH"

However, if there are multiple attachment, you have a hoarier problem.
Then you might need to pipe to a shell script or revert to a
recursive INCLUDERC, for which see the list archives and Be
Very Careful.


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