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Re: Can exim and procmail work together

2003-04-17 13:42:57
On Thu, 17 Apr 2003 news(_at_)lesve(_dot_)org wrote:

I have a big problem with the cobination of exim and procmail.

Sometimes (Specially when many mails received to exim) will the mail
be 'bounced' to the sender with follwing error message.
   procmail: Enforcing stricter permissions on "/var/mail/lesve"
I say bounce as it seems that procmail really deliver the mail

I have looked at all the mail directory and it will have the following

drwxrwxrwx    2 root     mail         1024 Apr 17 11:23 .
drwxr-xr-x   16 root     root         1024 Apr 15 04:46 ..
-rw-------    1 lesve    mail         8660 Apr 17 10:59 lesve

Is there any Flag for procmail which can be changed/added in order for this
not to happened.

The other environment is that the I use Debian 3.0r1 for Sparc (SS20).
and I execute procmail from the ~/.forward file

Try removing the .forward file. If you used eximconfig to create your
/etc/exim/exim.conf file, procmail will already be used for users
having a .procmailrc file in their home.

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