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Re: Deliver to program stored in variable

2003-05-12 14:42:02
On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 04:01:44PM -0400, Jake Di Toro wrote:

Sigh... I've been trying this out in about evey combination I know of,
but it doesn't seem to want to work.  I'm trying to do the following:

$DELIVER="| /path/to/program -default -parameters"

* Condition 1
$DELIVER -more -parameters

* Condition 2
$DELIVER -different -parameters


[end code]

Alternatevly I wouldn't might the default parameter set to also be
$DEFAULT, but I'm not pushing it right now.

This usually ends up being undelerviable or if I take out the '|' and
put it into the code, I end up writing out to a file called '|'.  I've
tried " and ' and even no quotes, but it fails to deliver to the
program.  Am I stuck with having to specify the program every time or
am I missing something obvious.

You're missing something obvious.  :)  You want a SWITCHRC (see `man
procmailrc') for the task.

For example,

        * some conditions
        { DELIVERYARGS = "some args"    SWITCHRC = deliver }

Under the separate rc-file "deliver", you have, e.g.,

        | yourprogram "$DELIVERYARGS"


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