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Re: Problems changing "From:" in header of autoreply

2003-05-13 00:53:20
On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 01:53:29AM +0100, Alan Clifford wrote:
Now that the response is sorted out, consider a spam from the Chief
Executive of your friendly ISP.  This email purports to come from a
person.  You autorespond.  It autoresponds back from the same address,
like you are doing, does not identify itself in any way as a daemon,
strips out your precedence, does not put in a "Precedence: junk" itself,
strips out your X-loop and does not put in an X-loop of its own.

You need to respond from another address, NotTomWolfe(_at_)sawback(_dot_)com, 
so that
a response to your response won't generate another response from you.  It
is also a good idea to keep a list of addresses that you have
autoresponded to, so that you don't respond again.

I'd further check that I'm not responding to anything that begins
with "Re:" or "Fw:|Fwd:"

        * !^Subject: *(Re|Fwd?):

* ^To: tomwolfe@

will give you problems when you get mail addressed to

To: <tomwolfe(_at_)sawback(_dot_)com>

I was unaware of mail being addressed like this as Pine strips off the < >
in its normal display.  Use

* ^To:.*tomwolfe@

Yes, however, with such loose matching on the left, you're leaving
yourself open to matching one day on phantomwolfe@ or (not moleculewolfe,
but) atomwolfe(_at_)(_dot_)  :-)

This kind of thing actually happened to me, in my production
.procmailrc, before I tightened the regexes.  "dman" matches on
users such as "goldman", "feldman", etc.

        * ^To:(.*\<)?tomwolfe@


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