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Re: How do I extract an e-mail address from a message body and store it to a list to allow filter bypass?

2003-05-21 03:39:54
On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 05:24:29PM -0700, Bardwareonline wrote:

Btw, Ross is my last name.  :)

Thanks -- you gave me all the information I needed.  Here's what I went
with (I left out the [^       ] because there's no white space in
between the mailto: and the address.  Instead, I used .*, because there
should be nothing else after the mailto: except for the e-mail address:

You've misunderstood what the syntax I wrote will do.  The caret means
"not."  We are capturing all non-whitespace after the colon.

Lukreme is right, though, that we want to avoid capturing any trailing
angle-bracket.  So now we have this:

      * ^buyer.*mailto:\/[^   >]*

"Capture all that is not whitespace or a closing angle-bracket that
follows the colon."  Try it.  It's much better than leaving the match
wide-open, even if your mail is strictly formatted.


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