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Re: encrypt all incoming mail with public key ?

2003-05-22 03:20:03
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 12:24:02AM -0700, Professional Software Engineering 
That would be the same root account which can't simply tweak the alias on 
your account and make a copy of all your incoming mail?

Or are you talking about the root account which can't simply disable the 
procmailrc file, causing newly arriving mail to not be encrypted?

Or perhaps you mean the root account which can't monitor your shell session 
for your private key?

No, I think he means the other root account, the one  that can simply read his
.procmailrc file to harvest his passphrase.

Or perhaps he meant the one that sniff the IP packets on the network, before
the mail even hits the MTA...

Andrew Edelstein        -

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