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Re: Why Doesn't This Match?

2003-06-19 13:04:48
On Thu, Jun 19, 2003 at 01:15:05PM -0500, David W. Tamkin wrote:

 * ^X-Spam-Flag:(.*\<)?YES

How could this possibly hope to match the given header line?? you've
specified that if there isn't a "<" at the end of whatever is in
between the ":" and "YES" then there is *nothing* inbetween.  And
since there is no "<" and there is obviously some non-viewable
character, this match will fail every time.

I've seen this used before (mainly in lines that assume an email
address) and I haven't understood it there since a bare email address
would make it fail as well.

Till Later, Jake <karrde+procmail(_at_)viluppo(_dot_)net>
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