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Re: Spamassassin VS Procmail

2003-06-24 14:49:11
At 13:33 2003-06-24 -0700, Goga Lee wrote:
Do we really need Spamassassin if Procmail is properly configured and and its recipes created intelligently?

The two are wholly different tools. Spamassassin is a spam filter, procmail is a mail filtering _tool_.

If you choose to perpetually manage your own homebrew filters, yes, you can do a great deal with procmail. I don't run SA myself, and I've had good results with procmail alone, but I'm a hands-on kind of guy.

If you want something you can just download updated filters for, SA would be the route to go. If you've got users who may want to do things differently than you do, SA is probably the route to go as well.

You can always elect to call SA from procmail when desired.

Just 7 spams so far this month, and two of those were "invites" to a yahoo list (damn fscking yahoogroups for providing a feature so their users can spam advertising for their lists).

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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